I am certified schizophrenic but I prefer to call it FOUR in One. I specialize in POVwriting and one my pov stories was performed on PBS in the "With Ruby (Dee) and Ossie (DAVIS) show. My two best writing "mentors" through my life time were such pov masterpieces as "The Sound And The Fury", "To The Lighthouse", and "Cane". In reading our comments I felt four diferent angers/feel bad foryou.

a) You gush, ie you go on and on. It could be considered


2) a person who has no boundaries and does not know when to stop

3) one of thousands of computer victims of computerspeeditis that ruins any considered nuance or cadence and unconsciously declares war on the succinct (does not exist in your writing) and worse, the considerate. Dd you think everyone has the time to read your gushing before you get to our point or are you looking for it as you type away.

You and Ben need to reevaluate your title- While Waiting To Die. It is infectious. And I dont want to die waiting for you to get to the point or at least to the end of the sentence.

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Silly goose

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but you lived to write a hilarious post about it!

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Ghost “ghosted” you lol. Y’all ever consider Mailerlite? Substack and their Nazi love is such a problem. Mailerlite is one that’s not on any boycott lists as of now

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Whoaaa Nazi love? Oh god no 😣😭

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yeah, search up Substackers Against Nazis for the start of it.

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Walk of shame? Excuse me but I was partying alllll night long

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Ugh what an annoyance to say the least! I’m so sorry y’all

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I genuinely have wondered what the solution is to newsletter burnout, since substack was originally a newsletter platform. But I'm very stingy with my subscribes because a flooded inbox doesn't help me. I prefer if I have an article feed at the top (not just the notes feed) like they have now, with thumbnails that I can brows through, but, unless they implemented it recently and I don't know where it is, I can't just subscribe to someone's newsletter for the feed on my desktop and not the email (or vice versa).

As for the last bit....haven't we all....(sighs regretfully)

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Good thing you have such an awesome sense of humor! Thanks for staying alive and not ghosting us😎

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I’m sorry you went through so much trouble. Much love to the hard working, mighty, badass team CS!

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Love y’all! 🥲💓

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